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Unable to Walk Like an Animal as Kid Occupational Therapy

Unable to Walk Like an Animal as Kid Occupational Therapy

I want to start this commodity past doing a trivial thought experiment. Imagine for a moment that you are in a group of twenty people. In that twenty people there is a divers leader and that leader is responsible for motivating y'all, pedagogy you, and otherwise organizing grouping activities.  Things are going along OK, but then at some signal the grouping leader decides that they are not happy with the activities of the group. Some of y'all are going to the bathroom as well much, some of you are likewise easily distracted, and others are just not following the rules. You lot, in item, are a trouble for the group leader and then in an attempt to control your behavior and enforce "the rules," the group leader singles you out and forces you lot to sit down in the middle of the group on the flooring for a week.

Forms of emotional abuse: ISOLATION Concrete confinement; limiting freedom within a person's environs. The grouping leader says it is for your ain adept and that it will teach you life skills, only for you lot it is an emotional horror show. I mean, tin you imagine the emotions that y'all would feel? Singled out in a group of twenty, publicly labeled as a loser likewise stupid to follow the rules, the subject of derisive and degrading attention, isolated, even terrorized by the psychological horror, you would be traumatized for a long catamenia of time, maybe for life. And this would be truthful even if the grouping you were in was relatively supportive. Even if they downplayed the social isolation and public shaming, you would nevertheless feel it at a deep level. Nosotros are social beings after all and every bit the great Robert Merton said, we become our self-image in function by the way others encounter united states of america. And if we call back others are seeing the states as some stupid loser (which is the intent of socially isolating someone in this manner) then that is how nosotros are going to run across ourselves. And that cannot help merely have a negative, disturbing, impact on us.

Forms of emotional abuse: DEGRADATION – Of grade, chances are the "classroom" you lot happen to exist in is non so supportive. Your illustrious leader has isolated yous and degraded you in front of his or her charges, and they are likely to do the aforementioned. Human beings, children, adults, learn what is modeled to them. If an authority effigy models isolation, deposition, and abuse, chances are that the people watching are going to do it to. Sadly even when yous leave the confines of the classroom, fifty-fifty when you leave isolation and re-enter the social material, deposition is going to follow you. This means that the deep psychological, emotional, even spiritual trauma of the initial issue is going to be revisited on you over, and over, and once again. If this sounds like hell on Globe, you would be correct. Even adults buckle and suspension under the abuse of degradation. And it has simply gotten worse. Adults model emotional abuse to children, and children accept the hammer and bring information technology down even harder. New social media like Facebook has fabricated emotional and psychological terror a ubiquitous, and, sadly, inescapable, phenomenon.

Forms of emotional corruption: REJECTION Refusing to admit a person's presence, value or worth; communicating (by word, human activity, or example) to a person that she or he is useless or inferior; devaluing her/his thoughts and feelings. Of form, the sad thing is, it is a lot worse than just your personal feelings almost it. The reality is most groups would non exist supportive. A lot of psychological inquiry in the sixties (look upward Zimbardo's prison house experiments) showed very conspicuously just how ugly it can get for people who are publicly separated and isolated. People, even shut friends and family, turn on you when an authorisation figure labels, isolates, and rejects. In that location can be a snowball effect. First, you sit in the eye of the room and feel bad, while the authority figures treats you with derision and disrespect. Then the people around you start to treat y'all differently. They laugh and signal fingers and notice other means to isolate and exclude you. They avoid you at recess/coffee break, talk behind your dorsum, titter and laugh and extend the boundaries created by the initial isolation.  Pretty presently you get a bonafide social pariah, avoided by all and excluded past many. From a social control perspective, the whole things works very well because having experienced that kind of trauma once, yous will never desire to get through it again, and and then for sure you will jump into line and tap along with the tune provided (either that or you volition conform to the anti-authoritarian stereotype). Merely of course, once you have been labeled and humiliated, rejected and degraded the long-term emotional damage is washed. All that is left to do is detect a practiced therapist.

Talking about it at present you lot can see, information technology simply cannot exist a good affair and equally an adult experiencing something like that you would probably (hopefully) recognize the corruption for what it was and leave the group. I'd certainly encourage it.  Research (see beneath) shows that people who experience emotional abuse have bug with anger, attachment, bonding, emotional responsiveness, and take problems applying even basic social skills. How damaging would that kind of public isolation and rejection be for yous if y'all put up with information technology? And then if yous are experiencing something like that, get up and walk abroad. And if you lot see someone else experiencing information technology, stand up up and challenge the behavior.

Forms of emotional abuse: PUBLIC HUMILIATIONExposing a person to unwanted attending; using social exposure to manipulate and control; encouraging others to exclude and harass. Now, of course, proverb it like this makes a solution to the problem seem relatively easy, merely go up and walk away. Merely now imagine that the squad leader has potency over you lot. Imagine that your group leader had the power to confine you to that "box" in front end of twenty of your friends and colleagues. Information technology would exist bad enough to brainstorm with, but it would be even worse under conditions of forcefulness and duress. Non just could you lot not get upwardly and leave no matter how you were feeling, only all the negative emotions would be amplified to that point that even a tough, independent, adult might succumb to the damaging effects of the abuse. It is not even as well much to say that a sensitive developed may experience post-traumatic stress. After all, being shamed in a public space is a traumatic consequence past whatsoever standards.

The outcome of emotional corruption: Emotional abuse of children tin can result in serious emotional and behavioral issues, including depression, lack of attachment or emotional bond to a parent or guardian, low cerebral ability, and educational achievement, and poor social skills. Ane report which looked at emotionally abused children in infancy and so again during their preschool years consistently found them to be aroused, uncooperative and unattached to their chief caregiver. The children besides lacked inventiveness, persistence, and enthusiasm. Indeed, children who experience rejection are more likely than accepted children to showroom hostility, aggressive or passive-ambitious behavior, to be extremely dependent, to have negative opinions of themselves and their abilities, to be emotionally unstable or unresponsive, and to accept a negative perception of the earth around them.

Then, if you lot are post-obit along with me now, you probably recollect that this class of bald-faced corruption of ability and authority is something that we, as a civilized modern society, should be able to do without. There are lots of ways to motivate people without resorting to either concrete or emotional abuse. In fact, as anybody with a inkling will tell y'all, physical and emotional corruption are horrible motivators leading to far more problems than they solve. And so imagine at present that we take this box thing and practice it to children in schoolhouse. Imagine you have a twelve-twelvemonth-old daughter and imagine the teacher has threatened that child that if they practise not behave and live up to expectations, they are going to have to sit on the floor for a calendar week. Y'all remember what school is like, and how horrible children can exist to each other. I imagine that a psychologically and emotionally defenseless child would be TERRORIZED by fifty-fifty the thought of that sort of public brandish and humiliation. Yous can imagine the damage done should the child actually be forced, by the teacher, to submit to the public humiliation. Self-esteem would take a striking, their social network would probably crumble, and the effects would no doubt trickle out into the schoolyard in ways as well innumerable to enumerate in this curt article. Schools have a hard plenty time dealing with bullying to begin with without teachers painting a target on a child's dorsum in this fashion.

Now I know what you are saying, no school would ever practice something like this. I mean, we now know that emotional corruption is bad, and we know that isolation, rejection, and public shaming is emotionally abusive, and we would never allow our teachers to appoint in it. Shockingly, withal, emotional abuse is a trouble in school. Every bit a parent, I have had to get to bat for my kids several times. For example, my son's teacher put his name on a board and publicly humiliated him for non doing his piece of work properly. When I told her that her public humiliation was making him feel bad, all she could say was that if he wanted to avoid the bad feelings, he'd have to perform to her expectations. I was shocked that she seemed and then unconcerned about his feelings, and when I pointed this out to the chief, and when I said that as an adult mail service-secondary teacher it was against the constabulary for me to even post pupil ID numbers in a public space considering I was not allowed to violate their right to privacy and safety (in Alberta FOIP laws protect adults from this sort of public exposure, and so why not children??), he said that the classroom was hardly a public space. But of course, it is a public space! Not but does everybody in the schoolhouse become to come across how my son is doing, but parents of the kids that go to the schoolhouse can have a look also, then I do not know where he got his "not a public space" annotate, 'cause clearly it is. And that is not even the worst of it you know. Last week my girl came home and said that her instructor told her that if she didn't perform as expected, she might lose her desk "privileges" and have to sit on the flooring for a week.

I am non kidding.

If my twelve-yr-quondam daughter cannot "make the hire" in her classroom, her instructor is going to identify, isolate, ridicule, and publicly humiliate her by taking abroad her desk and forcing her to sit on the floor in the midst of thirty of her school-age peers. And while her teacher says that it probably won't exist a problem for my daughter, I am horrified nonetheless that fifty-fifty the threat has been issued. I mean, this same teacher, and this schoolhouse principal, would never ever in a million years think they could pull a stunt similar this with adults (can yous imagine how upset the teaching staff of the schoolhouse would be if I put their names and pictures here, put them in a box in public, and held them up for public shaming and ridicule? Furious they'll be. I am sure it will be bad plenty that I accept just pointed at them in this fashion, so why are the feelings of our children so irrelevant that they do not even register on their radar? Frankly, I experience sorry for the iii kids she's washed it to in the past. I hateful, I have read the research, I am aware of how profoundly damaging something like this can be and frankly I am shocked that professional person teachers seem unaware of basic psychological research. I hate being such a boisterous critic, but this is important. The research shows this kind of thing undermines creativity, amercement productivity, and causes all sorts of mental, emotional, social, and behavioral problems (Sosteric, 2016). As a lodge, nosotros are always looking for ways to relieve money, so if these practices undermine our global competitiveness and cost us in terms of damaged inventiveness, lower productivity, and the cash dollars it takes to bargain with social problems, then on those grounds lone we should exist up in arms over this kind of nonsense. If you inquire me though, protecting our kids from psychological and emotional damage is reason enough.

Bottom line?

If our education system is turning out teachers and administrators who do not think twice about emotionally abusing our children, and if as parents we cannot run across that corruption, and do not stand to stop it, and so we as a society, got a problem.

What can you do?

Since writing this article I've got a lot of electronic mail from parents whose kids are experiencing emotional abuse at school, and teachers witnessing their colleagues perpetrating abuse. If y'all are a parent, hither are some things you tin practice.

  1. Kickoff thing you should practice is educate yourself about the horrible consequences of all forms of kid abuse. The fastest way to practice that is to read this commodity on Toxic Socialization. That article outlines, in striking scientific particular, the long-term debilitating consequences of all forms of set on.
  2. Share your story. My daughter Vayda, whom this article is about, recently wrote a poem recounting her earliest experiences in school. As she says, her bully was her grade one teacher.
  3. Talk to the instructor. If that doesn't work, talk to the principal. Teachers and administrators oftentimes don't see their actions as harmful so part of your chore is to brainwash them almost information technology. Print out this article, print out the commodity on toxic socialization, and show it to them. Be confident when yous approach them and make information technology clear to them that you feel they are pain your children and you will not accept information technology.
  4. Pay attending to the initial reactions of teachers and principals. In some cases, they'll be sympathetic, but in other cases, they will react in foreign means. If you sense a note of weirdness, I strongly recommend recording any conversations and keeping any electronic mail transcripts you have. Tell them you want to record. If they refuse, turn down to meet and insist on email. And don't permit them tell you that e-mail is no practiced, and they'd rather practise information technology in person because in person is better, because in situations where the school is toxic, meeting in person is dangerous. When the schoolhouse is toxic, email is the best mode to discuss things happening because it allows yous time to calm down, call up, and consider, and (more importantly) information technology provides you with a legal record of anything they say to you.  It is because of the record it provides that some schoolhouse administrators don't similar it. At some level they know what they are doing is wrong; don't allow them hide that reality away.
  5. If the school doesn't allow you lot to tape the conversation, do it anyway, merely check your provincial and state laws beginning. In many locations, it is totally legal to record conversations equally long as one person knows near it. In some states, no. Don't practise anything illegal in your surface area, only do whatever information technology takes to protect your kids.
  6. If you tin't get no satisfaction, and if you are able, or if your kids are sometime enough to exist home lonely, pull your kids out of school temporarily. Send an e-mail to the principal telling them what's happening. Tell them to conform for your child'due south work to be sent home and so let your kids to do the work at dwelling house.  Tell the main and the instructor that your child won't be coming back until they have sorted out their corruption. If the principal threatens you with truancy action, tell him to "bring it on." Say y'all're happy to go talk to a estimate and tell the estimate why you're pulling your kids out. Nothing stops an abuser faster than the possibility they might have to explain their abuse to others.
  7. If that doesn't work, and you lot have the choice, pull them out of school permanently and home school them. You lot'll have to bank check the options that are available to you but it is becoming more and more of a viable possibility. My kids are now fully homeschooled and they dear it. They aren't exposed to the abusive students or the abusive teacher, they are happier, healthier, and are doing way ameliorate than before. Now that they've been domicile for a few years I tin can say, my kids are better adapted than most adults. There are no behavioral bug, no emotional bug, they don't human activity out like traditional teenagers, they don't cut, they don't engage in risky behaviors, they aren't depressed, at that place is no OCD, no eating disorders, no physical affliction, naught. Of form, if you are going to home school them, your home surroundings has to exist one hundred per centum safe one hundred pct of the time. We have a "no abuse" rule in our home, meaning that at that place is no physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual violence immune. Our children are thus totally rubber in their home surroundings, then they don't need to escape from it. Protecting them from violence in the outside globe, and keeping them safe at domicile, has fabricated a world of deviation in their development. Full-time safety has allowed them to pour their energy into physical and emotional development and they are strikingly intelligent and mature for their historic period. One person who met them expressed total stupor that she was speaking to a twelve and fourteen-year-former. There are challenges, of course, and equally a parent y'all have to take the time and the resources to do this, but if it is an pick, consider it. The more people who practice this, and the more we are vocal about why nosotros are doing it (abusive schools), the more than schools will be forced to remember almost, and change, their actions and behaviours.
  8. Publicly humiliate your school. Download this commodity, write a short paragraph almost what is happening to your children, and send it to your local media outlets. We all know the outcome of chronic bullying tin be horrible violence, either self-inflicted in the example of suicide, or inflicted on others in the instance of school shootings. Remind your media contact of the long-term consequences of emotional corruption and see if a petty media attention doesn't shame the bullies into stopping. At the very least the media attention volition draw other concerned parents and teachers out of the woodwork.
  9. If yous have the resources, talk to a lawyer. It is becoming increasingly like shooting fish in a barrel to build a instance for serious long-term damage caused past teachers abusing in schools. More importantly, precedent is slowly building. Just recently a Wisconsin town passed a law giving police force the ability to fine the parents of bullies!  More and more people are waking upward to the consequences of abuse and, word to the wise, information technology is only a matter of a brusk menstruation of time now before a teacher, a school, a jurisdiction gets sued for emotionally and psychologically harming a kid. Hasten that day.

Of course, sometimes as parents we don't see what'south happening to our kids at schoolhouse, simply teachers ofttimes do. If you lot are a instructor and you witness emotional abuse, here are some things that you lot can exercise.

  1. Say something about it, to the instructor if y'all can, to the school authorities if you cannot, or if they don't heed. And make sure information technology gets into the person's Hour record, if at that place is 1. You may not become whatsoever traction to brainstorm with, simply if all people who witness abuse learn to say something instead of remaining silent, it becomes impossible to dissemble and deny, we'll terminate the abuse much faster. And fast we got to be. The short years of childhood are an extremely sensitive period and children should experience no abuse at all. We've got a long fashion to go, but the faster people speak out, the sooner we will get there.
  2. If you can, allow the parents know. If you want to remain bearding, get an anonymous e-mail account from or something. Permit them know their children are beingness bullied. Sign it "Anonymous Teacher" to give it a little more than weight.

Finally, litigate. Litigation is starting to emerge as a response to schools (and eventually parents) who do naught to protect their children. I'll keep a list of actions beneath. If you lot have examples, send them to [email protected]



Since writing this article a few years ago it has attracted a lot of attention from parents, students, and teachers. Recently it has been picked up by Educational Testing Service in the U.S.A. It is to be used in their teacher certification materials. The contract I signed specified a license for 50,000 teachers over the next ten years! A lot of student teachers will be reading this article over the next decade. I have to say, when I wrote the article I had no idea the life that it would take on.

Upwards until now, the word generated by the commodity has been, I feel, constructive. Notwithstanding recently it is attracting some very negative commentary, ever from teachers (or people claiming to be teachers) in the K12 arrangement. These teachers display anger, hostility, and defensiveness, human action like I am attacking them personally, propose that I have a particular vendetta against teachers, and even telephone call me names like "idiot". I can see why some teachers would be angry with this article. Even so, I would like to assure any teacher reading this article that I take nothing against teachers. Like everybody, I've had both good teachers (I actually ascribe my success in University to the intervention of a single, caring, English language teacher) and bad teachers. I have had teachers who take supported me, and I have teachers who take engaged in profound and devastating acts of emotional and psychological abuse. I even had a teacher who sexually molested the girls in my form eight grade. He went to jail, merely the damage is done.

I think teachers as a whole often do an amazing task within the political, economical, and social limits within which they must deed. Nevertheless, unless one wants to brand the case that the school system as it is works perfectly for all those involved, unless i wants to debate that all teachers are necessarily perfect in all respects and never injure children, and unless i wants to dismiss the growing listing of student/parent accounts of bullying by teachers listed in the comments section below, there is no ground for defence.  Kids suffer in schools just like they endure at domicile. To deny this is to deny the victims a voice and to undermine and subvert the possibility of open discussion and necessary modify.

Of course, parents and students also have to be accountable. Abuse and fail in the home frequently translates to misbehaviour in schools. Parents tin can deny it if they want, but information technology happens. I am a parent and unfortunately, I cannot merits perfection. I had my first child when I was nineteen and I was not emotionally or intellectually equipped to deal with that. I myself was dealing with the corruption and neglect in my ain babyhood, I was immature, and as a consequence the poor child experienced years of abuse and fail.  I feel bad about it even to this day, and even worse because there is naught I tin can do to set up it, but it happened. I have two teenage children at present and even though their childhood is a vast improvement over my own, or fifty-fifty my firstborn, nosotros still struggle as parents. We are not perfect and we make mistakes. I feel bad about the mode we treated my firstborn, simply we are very proud that we grew and did meliorate with a subsequent accomplice.

Anyway, I don't want to ramble on. My main point here is that we're all perpetrators of abuse at some betoken. In that location is no sense in denying that, no sense in judging each other as a consequence, and no sense in getting worked up over an open discussion. I became a better parent, and a better teacher, past albeit to my failures and weaknesses (denying was such a waste material of free energy anyway), past talking to therapists, teachers As this summary entry on <A href="http://world wide">Toxic Socialization</a> amply demonstrates, abuse of all forms hurts us in deep and profound ways. Isn't it fourth dimension we stopped hurting our children, and ourselves? , even my ain children about it, and past searching around for means to improve my understanding of man beings in general, and children in detail. We worked hard to translate greater awareness and understanding into improve behaviour. I am hardly perfect in this regard even today, but I am a much better parent now as a result.

If this commodity amounts to anything, I would like it to exist a catalyst for awareness, give-and-take, and change. Whether you are a parent, a student, or a teacher, have what y'all read hither and listen. Listen to parents anguish and confusion over the abuse their children experience. Mind to the teachers struggle as they attempt to benefit within a system that is underfunded, under-supported, and arguably broken.  Heed listen listen and when you are satisfied you lot have heard, discuss, think, and brand change.  We demand to do it and we demand to practise information technology at present because our children are suffering, and we are to blame. We are raising generations of damaged children. It is horrific to retrieve about it, but every single girl that my daughter has connected to since she was ten has revealed an emotional disorder to her (depression, cutting, suicidal ideation)!  She has friends as young as twelve who are already on antidepressants. This is not normal; this is a sign of serious societal dysfunction. True, parents and teachers are non the only ones to blame here (nosotros tin draw in the media, corporations who continually pimp products, a political arrangement that privileges every other form of spending over instruction, and and then on), but we are even so front line agents of socialization and we have a duty to make it meliorate for our ain children, and for all future generations. There is no excuse.

So, if you are a instructor and if reading this article makes you want to lash out at me, accept a deep breath. I am not blaming and judging anybody, and I am certainly non wanting to shame and punish teachers for "misbehaving" in the classroom. I know the negative emotional affect this has and I think we all got to cease doing it to each other. I am simply saying, in that location'due south a trouble and nosotros need to fix information technology. We set up it by a) becoming aware of information technology, b) talking about it, and c) coming upward with positive, inclusive (for parents, teachers, and students) solutions. It is time to end the suffering and abuse. Our children and our children's children are depending on the states getting this correct in one case and for all.


Michael S.
November 2, 2015


Brendgen, Mara, Wanner, Brigitte, & Vitaro, Frank (2006). Verbal Abuse past the Teacher and Child Adjustment from Kindergarten Through Grad e6. Pediatrics, 117: 5.

Hyman, Irwin & Snook, Pamela (1999). [amazon_link id="0787943630″ target="_blank" container="" container_class="" ]Dangerous Schools. What we can practise about the concrete and emotional abuse of our children[/amazon_link].

Krugmen, Richard D. & Krugman, Mary K (1984). Emotional Abuse in the Classroom: The Pediatrician's Office in Diagnosis and Treatment. Athenaeum of Pediatrics and Boyish Medicine. 128: 284-286.

Moeller, James R. (2002). The Combined Effects of Concrete, Sexual, and Emotional Abuse During Babyhood: Long-term Health Consequences for Women. Child Abuse and Neglect, 17(v): 623-40.

Unable to Walk Like an Animal as Kid Occupational Therapy




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Σάκης Ρουβάς / 3 . Anastasios sakis rouvas also known mononymously as sakis, is a greek recording artist; Ο σάκης ρουβάς (μαντούκι κερκύρας, 5 ιανουαρίου 1972) είναι έλληνας τραγουδιστής, συνθέτης, επιχειρηματίας, και πρώην αθλητής του άλματος επί κοντώ. Τις διακοπές του απολαμβάνει ο σάκης ρουβάς αυτό το διάστημα παρέα με την κάτια ζυγούλη και τα παιδιά τους. Σάββατο 07 αυγούστου 2021, 23:59. Καλλιτέχνηςμε μία επιτυχημένη καριέρα στο τραγούδι που μετρά 28 χρόνια και έντονη φιλανθρωπική δράση, ο σάκης ρουβάς είναι αναμφισβήτητα ο απόλυτος έλληνας. Σάκης ρουβάς discography and songs: Music profile for σάκης ρουβάς, born 5 january 1972. Διαβάστε όλα τα άρθρα του σχετικά με το θέμα σακης ρουβας. Τις διακοπές του απολαμβάνει ο σάκης ρουβάς αυτό το διάστημα παρέα με την κάτια ζυγούλη και τα παιδιά τους. Σάββατο 07 αυγούστου 2021, 23:59. Sakhs Roybas Kratisinow Grkratisinow Gr from www.

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